Outdoor adventure is the promise made to young people when they join Scouting. There are outdoor adventures for all levels of Scouts. Outdoor programs give Scouts the ability to work on their character development, citizenship, personal fitness and leadership skills. Scouts have opportunities to acquire skills that make them more self-reliant. They can explore canoe and hiking trails and complete challenges they first thought were beyond their ability. Cubs Scouts at most ranks (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos) have the opportunity to earn the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award.
Hiking is a great way to spend your time in the outdoors. It’s a good way to get your heart pumping for some exercise or to test your limits, and a way to enjoy nature and fresh air. Hiking isn’t just walking around on a trail. Hiking requires planning skills, organization skills, proper trail etiquette, knowing the proper gear to use, way-finding abilities, how to use a compass, and a basic knowledge of safety and first aid.
Not all hikes are the same. Some pose rough terrain while others are more scenic and less physically demanding. Troop 64’s Senior Patrol Leaders plan a variety of different hikes.
Boy Scout Camping
Camping is a great way for Scouts to acquire hands-on outdoor knowledge and skills. Troop 64 scheduled campouts are over a weekend, and along with having fun, Scouts work on advancement requirements and merit badges like cooking, hiking, and camping.
Why do Scouts love camping? Camping in the outdoors allows you to take in more fresh air, oxygen and Vitamin D from the sunshine. Scouts cook their meals and after a full day of outdoor activites, Scouts get a great night’s sleep. Camping allows Scouts to interact and socialize without electronics.
Cub Scout Camping
The Cub Scout Pack plans family camping trips yearly, where the focus is on the complete camping experience. Cub Scouts work on their cooking skills, participate in skits around evening campfires and have endless fun doing outdoor activites and games.
Boy Scout Summer Camps
Every summer the Troop Senior Patrol Leaders pick a summer camp to attend. During summer camp, Scouts experience self-reliance and the ability to just be a kid. Scouts explore, try new activities and make friends. Scouts choose the activities and merit badges they wish to work on and their days are filled with kayaking, climbing to explore, hiking, learning archery, and much more. Scouts learn a great deal about responsibility while they’re away at camp. Scouts are each given a job, Troops compete, and most Scouts return home a little more mature.
Scouts work hard during summer camp. At summer camp, Scouts can earn a half dozen of those badges and, most of the time, they include skills and lessons that will stay with them for life. Not to mention endless life long memories.

Klondike Derby
A Klondike derby is an annual event held by some Boy Scouts of America and Scouts Canada districts during the winter months and is based on the heritage of the Klondike Gold Rush. BSA units have been running Klondike derbies since 1949.
National Scout Jamboree
The national Scout jamboree is a gathering of thousands of Scouts. The jamboree happens every four years and it’s organized by the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Scouts from all over the nation and the world come together for the ultimate scouting experience. The next jamboree will be from July 21, 2021 – July 30, 2021. The theme is “Face the Challenge” and the jamboree will be at Summit Bechtel Reserve, in West Virginia.
Day Camps
A Scout is never taken by surprise; he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens.
Robert Baden Powell