The Eagle Scout Award is Scouting’s highest rank and was founded over one hundred years ago. Those who have earned it, know what a great honor it is. Only four percent of Boy Scouts are granted this rank after spending years to fulfill the requirements and the lengthy review process. Since its founding, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than 2.5 million young men.
Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges. The Eagle Scout must demonstrate Scout Spirit, an ideal attitude based upon the Scout Oath and Law, service, and leadership. This includes an extensive service project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads, and manages. Eagle Scouts are presented with a medal and a badge that visibly recognizes the accomplishments of the Scout. Additional recognition can be earned through Eagle Palms, awarded for completing additional tenure, leadership, and merit badge requirements.
STA64 Troop 64, established in 2016, is proud to announce its first Eagle Scout received the rank in 2017, followed by another Scout in 2018. We are certain many more Scouts from our Troop will join them with this honor.
Eagle Scout Project: Rosary Garden
May 2021
Project Beneficiary:
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School
“The code of the knight is still the ode of the gentleman today.”
Robert Baden Powell


How To Get Started – The Steps To Eagle Scout Rank
Welcome to the road to Eagle and congratulations on your Life rank. Typically, it takes four to five years to advance through the ranks to Life Scout. Often, it takes a full year to advance from Life to Eagle Scout. The average age to earn Eagle rank is 17, and the Scout must complete his project before he is 18.
Once a Scout makes Life rank, his next step is to get started with your Eagle Scout rank. Below are resources to help you understand all of the steps necessary to earn your Eagle Scout rank. These procedures come from the Guide to Advancement Handbook (2017 Release), which is an incredible source of infomration for all forms of advancment. The Grand Canyon Council Eagle Candidates should read the Life to Eagle process. These forms are approved for use only by Grand Canyon Council Eagle candidates.
Scouts will need the Eagle Scout Rank Application form, and the Eagle Scout workbook. In preparation for your board of review, prepare and attach to your Eagle Scout Rank Application a statement of your ambitions and life purpose, listing positions held in your religious institution, school. camp, community, or other organizations, during which you demonstrated leadership skills. Include honors and awards received during this service.

Eagle Scout – Project Fundraising Policy
Scouts are not permitted, per council policy, to ask for monetary donations, donation of materials and/or discounts from anyone or any business outside of the list below unless they have submitted a fundraising form and had it approved PRIOR to fundraising efforts taking place.
- the Scout himself,
- the Scouts parents or relatives,
- the Scouts unit or
- Chartered Partner,
- members or parents of members of his unit or
- from the beneficiary of the project
Eagle Candidates may, with an approved fundraising application, ask for donations of materials or discounts on materials from companies or individuals but must first furnish a list of prospective donors with their fundraising application, per national policy, for council approval prior to soliciting the material donations or discounts.
Should any donor want documentation of a gift, this must be provided through the project beneficiary not the B.S.A., unit or council.
Scouts must make it clear to all donors of materials, those offering a discount, or event participants that the money/ materials are being raised on behalf of the project beneficiary, which will retain any leftover funds or materials.
Yes, once they are approved by submitting a fundraising application.
All proceeds left over from fundraising or donations, whether money, materials, supplies, etc., regardless of the source, go to the beneficiary. If the beneficiary is not allowed, for whatever reason, to retain any excess funds or materials, etc., the beneficiary should designate a suitable charity to receive them, or allow the unit to retain them. The unit must not influence this decision.
No. A Scout can only solicit material donations and/or discounts from the list of businesses which have been approved on the fundraising application. When completing the fundraising application, the scout needs to list all potential businesses to be solicited, as well as what will be solicited from the business. Unsolicited donations are appropriate (i.e. Scout walks into store and goes to purchase material and the store offers a discount and/or donation of materials)
The 2017 Guide to Advancement, section, authorizes local councils to make a decision whether or not to allow crowdfunding. Fundraising—especially on a larger scale—has tax, accounting, and other legal implications, in which minors should not be involved. Thus, if fundraising is to take place, it is best that it be kept simple. Typical unit fundraisers with which unit leadership is familiar, such as car washes, are the best options. Another alternative is the use of “crowdfunding” via the Internet. If this method
is used, however, then all concerned, from the Scout and his parent or guardian to the unit leader and those approving fundraising at the local council, should be aware that fees may be involved and that fundraising for something like an Eagle project may or may not comply with the website’s terms of service. There can be other issues as well, such as what to do if more—or less—than what is needed is raised. It is important that someone in a position of responsibility reads and understands the website’s “fine print.”
If a Scout is given a discount at the time of purchasing materials that was not solicited by the Scout it is OK to accept it and the form is not required. Likewise If a Scout is offered scrap or left over materials, without solicitation on his part, he may accept them and does not need to submit the application as he did not solicit the materials but was merely offered then without solicitation on his part.
Donations of money or materials from the sources listed above do not require submitting the fundraising form. All other sources require the form be submitted and approved prior to fundraising efforts taking place, this includes donations of money, material donations and/or discounts on materials.
"In Scouting, a boy is encouraged to educate himself instead of being instructed."
Robert Baden Powell
Effective as of October 2017:
After successfully completing your Eagle Scout board of review on or after Aug. 1, 2017, and being validated as an Eagle Scout by the National Service Center, you will be entitled to receive an Eagle Palm for each additional five merit badges you have completed before your Eagle Scout board of review beyond those required for Eagle. In addition, all current Scouts who completed their Eagle board of review and who had not passed their 18th birthday before Aug, 1, 2017 are entitled as well. For these Palms only, it will not be necessary for you to complete the requirements stated below.
After becoming an Eagle Scout, you may earn additional Palms by completing the following requirements.
Be active in the Boy Scouts of America for at least three months after becoming an Eagle Scout or after the last Palm was earned. **
Since earning the Eagle Scout rank or your last Eagle Palm, demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Tell how you have done your duty to God and how you have lived the Scout Oath and Scout Law in your everyday life.
Continue to set a satisfactory example of accepting responsibility or demonstrating leadership ability.
Earn five additional merit badges beyond those required for Eagle or last Palm. ***
While an Eagle Scout, participate in a Scoutmaster conference.*