Want to help?
Support our Fundraiser:

Each Spring, Scouts from Grand Canyon Council distribute Camp Cards to family, friends, neighbors, and the community, with each card providing over a dozen discounts and deals for restaurants, attractions, sports venues, and automotive care for the remainder of the year. For every $10 card sold, $5 supports the Scout’s fundraising goal, with the remainder going to improve summer camp properties, keep camp fees low, and provide support to other Scouts in need!
Troop 64 thanks you for your support.
Friends of Scouting:
Friends of Scouting is the council-level annual giving campaign. In most councils, Friends of Scouting represents the council’s largest source of income. Friends of Scouting helps councils provide the behind the scenes fundamentals to keep scouting going: Volunteering, staff training, insurance coverage, support staff, camp promotions, registrations and program support, high-adventure bases, day camps, summer camps, camp equipment, leadership training, fundraising program management, new unit management, administrative needs (postage, computers, copy machines, print shop, audio-visual supplies, etc.), council website, program planning kits, camp scholarships, uniforms, and registration fees for disadvantaged youths.
General Fund:
Scouting helps our youth become the leaders of tomorrow. The general funds help to cover all the expenses it takes to run a Troop.
BSA provides some of the best youth leadership training available and given the benefit to the scout and to the troop, we strive to be able to share the cost with parents to increase youth participation in these week-long training.
Donations help offset the costs associated with registration, Friends of Scouting, and dues. Our dues cover all the awards earned, rank patches, Scout books, campsites, transportation, and entrance fees to parks and hiking locations.
Uniforms and Equipment:
A complete uniform (hat, shirt, pants, neckerchief, neckerchief slide, belt, socks, and sash) is over $100. In addition to the uniform, Scouts need equipment (backpacks, hiking pack, meal tray, Scouting book, and other outdoor survival gear). Each Patrol needs a certain amount of gear to properly camp, which includes everything from dutch ovens to cleaning material. Donations help subsidize these costs.
All donations $25 and above will receive a tax receipt in January of the following year from our chartered organization sponsor, a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible organization.
Campership Fund:
We operate in one of the poorest counties in the second poorest state in the country. There are innumerable kids who would benefit mightily from attending a week-long BSA summer camp of fun and learning but will never get to attend because the cost is somewhere between $300-500. For those Scouts that need assistance in getting to camp, this fund is deployed. You can sponsor a Scout to camp, a Scout who would never be able to go, for $200.
Gear, Trailer, Truck, or Van Fund:
As a relatively new but growing Troop, we are in need of a cargo trailer. When Scouts go camping, there is a lot of gear, materials, backpacks, bikes, etc. which need to travel with the Scouts. The Troop also keeps needed gear that can be reused from Scout to Scout, to ensure they accomplish all their outdoor endeavors. It’s not logical for parents to purchase gear for every outdoor activity: backpacking, river running, camping, fishing, skiing, kayaking, etc. We are also in need of materials to be used for hiking and pioneering exercises.
4′ x 8′ Cargo Trailer
Spar Pioneering Poles
If you have any slightly used gear or a 4′ x 8′ cargo trailer you’d consider donating for a tax receipt, please contact us at [email protected]