Scouting uses the advancement method. Troop 64 is a scout led troop. Scouts plan their own advancement and progress at their own pace while meeting challenges and facing obstacles. Scouts are recognized and rewarded for each achievement. The advancement method help the Scouts grow in self-reliance, leadership, and the ability to help others.
Troop 64 has built advancement into the unit’s process, promoting and encouraging involvement and Scout commitment.
There are 7 ranks for Scouts to achieve:
- Scout
- Tenderfoot
- Second Class
- First Class
- Star
- Life
- Eagle
Each rank requires Scouts to meet certain critera. Once achievements are met, the Scout will particiate in a Scoutmasters conference, where the Scoutmaster and the Scout review the Scout’s progress and ensures all the requirements have been met and the Scout can explain how he has applied the Scout Oath and Scout Law to his daily living. After the Scoutmasters conference, the Scout will sit in from of a panel of three to six committee members in a Board of Review. The board interviews the Scout and reviews the Scouts achievements, ensuring all the requirements have been met.


What is the Eagle Scout Rank?
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program. Since its inception in 1911, only 6.8% of Scouts have earned this rank after a lengthy review process. The Eagle Scout rank has been earned by over 2.5 million youth.
Eagle Scouts value perseverance, discipline, motivation, leadership, accountability, and achievement. Even people who are not familiar with the requirements to reach Eagle status, recognize the prestigious award. In order for a Scout to make Eagle, a Scout must earn all his ranks starting with Scout, earn 21 merit badges with 13 of these specifically required merit badges, serve 6 months in a leadership position, attend a Scoutmaster conference and pass an Eagle Scout Board of Reviews.
Whie earning the Eagle Scout rank is hardwork, it may open many doors throughout their lives. Many college admmission officers recognize the Eagle Scout rank and Eagle Scouts are eligible for many scholarships, some for Eagle Scouts only. Every branch of the U.S. Military allows for Eagle Scouts to enter at a higher rank and pay grade than people who are not Eagle Scouts, and some employment recruiters look for Eagle Scout to be on a resume.
For those getting ready to embark on the Eagle Scout journey, check out our Eagles Nest for resources.

What is the Order of the Arrow?
For over 100 years, the Order of the Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. This recognition provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long term resident camping, and providing cheerful service to others. OA service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults are models of quality leadership development and programming that enrich and help to extend Scouting to America’s youth.
The Order of the Arrow was founded in 1915 to serve a useful purpose: to cause the Scout Oath and Law to spring into action in all parts of the nation. To this day, the Order is dedicated to this high purpose. The Order of the Arrow has over 150,000 members nationwide. Although the Order of the Arrow is a thing of the spirit, there are several layers of organization, each with its own role.
“A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.”
Robert Baden Powell

What are Merit Badges?
The Merit Badge program plays a major role in the scouting advancement program. Merit badges exist to encourage Scouts to explore areas that interest them and to teach them valuable skills in Scoutcraft. The award of merit badges sometimes leads to careers and lifelong hobbies. Each scout can explore topics from American Business to Woodworking as they have interest. There are more than 135 merit badges, and any Scout, or any qualified Venturer or Sea Scout may earn any of these at any time. Scouts must earn 21 Merit Badges, 13 of which are required Merit Badges, as part of the Eagle Scout Rank.
Before a Scout attends a merit badge clinic, it’s essential the Scout completes any prerequisites the counselor has deems, read the pamphlet, filled out the worksheets, and the Scout brings a blue card. Blue cards may be purchased at the Scout store or downloaded here.
Merit Badge Counselors
Ready to meet with a merit badge counselor? Your Scoutmaster and unit leaders have access to the list of merit badge counselors and can help scouts contact the right counselor based off of the merit badge, proximity and availablity. Internally, we have approved merit badge counselors for the following merit badges:
- Art
- Athletics
- Communications
- Cycling
- Family Life
- Graphic Arts
- Hiking
- Personal Fitness
- Personal Management
- Photography
- Reading
- Sculpture

Scouting’s Journey to Excellence (JTE) is the BSA’s planning, performance, and recognition program designed to encourage and reward the success of our units, districts, and councils. It is meant to encourage excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA.
Using a balanced approach to measure performance, Troops are rated over how well they meet objectives, like planning and budgeting, membership, advancement, short-term camping, long-term camping, service projects, using the patrol method, training, and leadership and family engagement. Troops who meet objectives receive the Journey to Excellence award in either the bronze, silver or gold level.
The award patch is displayed on the uniform’s right sleeve below the patrol emblem or den numeral. Only the most recent year’s patch is worn, not a string of past year patches.


Scouts understand being “reverent” is something they do every day, all year long. He is faithful in his religious duties and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion. The Scout Sunday tradition was started to make people in houses of worship aware of Scouting, and to allow Scouts to live out their “Duty to God” pledged each week.
Scout Sunday is held every year on the Sunday that falls before February 8th (Scouting Anniversary Day). On Scout Sunday, the connection between Scouting and faith takes on even more significance. The annual celebration gives Scouts a highly visible way to show their appreciation for their faith-based chartered organization. Scout Sunday is the primary date to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting. On Scout Sunday, at places of worship across the country, Scouts wear their uniforms to worship services.
Scout Sunday is also a chance for packs and troops to perform an act of service for the chartered organization or community.

To encourage Scouts to grow stronger in their faith, many religious groups have joined with the Boy Scouts of America to develop multiple religious emblems programs. The BSA has approved of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official uniform. For a list of the all the Religious Emblem Programs available, please click on the button.
Scouting is nothing less than applied Christianity.
Robert Baden Powell

As a universal symbol of scouting, the Official BSA Uniform is known for lasting through countless adventures and bringing Scouts together with a common thread. Troop 64 wears the traditional Class A uniform, as well as a Class B t-shirt for activities and camping.

The Boy Scout Handbook is the official handbook of the Scouts BSA. It is a descendant of Baden-Powel’s original handbook, Scouting for Boys. A Boy Scout uses one handbook to cover his entire Boy Scout journey. In the event that a handbook is updated, a Scout may continue to use his existing handbook as a reference and resource. However, he should also have a list of the new requirements for the purpose of sign-offs. If those wishing to purchase a Scouting Handbook, may do so here:
Troop 64 operates using the Patrol Method. What does the Patrol Method mean? Basically, the Scouts are divided up into patrols of six to eight Scouts. In Cub Scouts, you have dens with Ranks. In Boy Scouts, you have patrols. Typically, the patrols are set up as new Scouts, traditional middle age grouped Scouts, and an older Scout patrol, with scouts who are working on Life and Eagle.
All patrols meet at the Troop meeting, but patrols may break out during the meeting to work on specific elements. Patrols may meet on their own time to work on other achievements as well. Patrols plan their own meals for camping, have their own patrol boxes with equipment, and their own patrol flag.

Troop 64 uses a resource called Scoutbook for communication. Scoutbook may be accessed via the app or online. With Scoutbook, Scouts can work on advancments and check off requirements, see the Troop calendar of events and get updates. Scoutbook offers an easy way for parents to keep track of their Scouts status and see what they need to work on. The app is available for free for both Apple and Android devices.
There are a number of resources available for Scouts from BSA as well: Boys’ Life Magazine, Scouting Magazine, and online resources.
Nature study will show you how full of beautiful and wonderful things God has made the world for you to enjoy. Be contented with what you have got and make the best of it. Look on the bright side of things instead of the gloomy one.
Robert Baden Powell

Training is important, and research shows the importance of trained leaders. All Adult leaders have been Youth Protection trained, and they retake the course every two years. The Boy Scouts of America offers online training for district, committee, position specific and supplemental training courses.
Training is important for the Scouts as well. The Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) teaches Scouts in leadership positions more about their new roles and how to be successful in the position. Scouts who wish to explore more training can go to the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE).